I would like to extend a warm Thank you to Brian Ruhe. He has helped Buddhistsfortruth during a time where participants are minimal.
I have not forgotten. BfT is getting some updates. I have been working on establishing the Buddhist Secure Project. This has been massive to say the least. has taken most of my time. …
I hope you enjoy this latest update. BfT is hosted on a private VPS managed by Bhante, Dan and Mark. This is big step towards creating a more secure platform for our communications.
It was a real pleasure to finally have a serious discussion with an investigative journalist. This stunning interview reveals some Truth bombs that any Buddhist ought to ‘lend ear’. BfT has been on pause …
These last few weeks I have been following through with some ideas. These ideas involve technology and the internet. The idea was to create a secure platform for myself and others in order to …
📌In terms of worshipping idols. This teaching comes from the Torah. Circa 500-600 years after the Buddha’s passing the first statue of the Buddha was created by a Greek fellow. 📌Jesus said to the …
One of our members has posted a link to the article. “We cannot ignore Buddhist extremism”. OK folks. The article. ..besides being mostly emotional and without any factual evidence. .. boring and infantile. Where …