A gatekeeper can be a small group of people, an individual, large group of people that act as toll collectors. Another way to look at it gatekeepers
benefit from the ‘inbetween’ strategy. In other words like financiers that lend funds to opposing nations during war.
Gatekeepers seek power through manipulation. Mind control, speech control and physical action control. Sound familiar?
The internet was once a place where ideas flourished. Single individuals had their own webspace to express themselves. That didn’t last long.
We are seeing this in Buddhism. Political groups, agenda driven groups attacking Buddhism demanding it conform to ‘theories’ and ‘idealogies’ unrelated to the Noble quest.
These groups go as far as attacking the race and colour of Buddhists. Gatekeepers. There is little limits to delusion and hatred. Yes the Lord Buddha did say that Avijjā was an illness.
As Buddhists we need to keep in mind in Sati that ‘Avijjā’ is in effect.
The authority of Buddhism is the ‘Dhamma and Vinaya’. The core ‘The Four Noble Truths’. Keep to this and your practice will grow and develop.
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Through this adversity Buddhists will continue their purpose advocating for the truth of the Dhamma and Vinaya.
Per Ardua
People in society, especially in the west got too comfortable over the past few generations. This climate has allowed avijja to flourish.